James & Minh-An's Engagement Ceremony


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022-DSC_3441 075-DSC_3746 081-DSC_3774 087-DSC_3806 088-DSC_3815
089-DSC_3816 097-DSC_3851 091-DSC_3826 030-DSC_3526 032-DSC_3545
033-DSC_3547 035-DSC_3563 098-DSC_3866 100-IMG_1579 103-IMG_1584
119-DSC_3945 108-DSC_3909 114-DSC_3922 116-DSC_3936 112-IMG_1569
121-DSC_3957 120-DSC_3952 123-DSC_3966 124-DSC_3971 125-DSC_3977
127-DSC_3981 132-IMG_1598 133-DSC_3985 134-IMG_1599 136-IMG_1605
139-IMG_1611 140-DSC_3992 144-DSC_4004 145-DSC_4005 147-IMG_1615


Most of the pictures were taken by JiaYing Grygiel, the rest was taken by family members.